


Risk Advisory




Today’s businesses across the globe increasingly seeks better decision-making and stronger internal controls in order to attain greater shareholder value.




Our offerings

  • Internal Controls
  • Internal Audit
  • Corporate Governance
  • Enterprise Risk
    Management Framework
  • Business Process and
    System Designing
  • Assessment of internal control to ensure that it is commensurate with the size and nature of business operations and also works effectively
  • Effectively support the audit committee oversight and enable the directors to discharge their accountability and governance responsibility
  • Internal financial control reporting/ verify compliance with SOPs & ethical guidelines
  • Assisting Company for compliances with clause 49 of the listing agreement including Audit Committee requirements
  • Monitoring regulatory compliance process and reporting to Audit Committee
  • Assist companies to establish a risk management framework for identifying, assessing, and reporting on significant risk matters to the Board of Directors and senior management.
  • Gap Analysis – Study as of AS is Process and Suggest to be Process
  • Assist Companies to set Policies, Standard Operating Procedures, KPI, Authority Matrix and design roles & responsibilities, key result areas

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