


Due Diligence

due diligence



We provide financial, tax and corporate law due diligence support to our clients for inbound and outbound transactions. Our process also establishes the risk profile for an investment and supplements the validation of business assumptions and valuation benchmarks being used.


Our offerings

  • Buy Side
  • Sell Side
  • Identification of potential deal issues and way forward
  • Issues that provide direct adjustments, negotiating points and likely to affect the purchase price or contract conditions
  • Advising on transaction agreements
  • Advising on initial deal structure and optimal transaction structure
  • To identify key areas of vulnerability that could impact value coupled with solutions to address them
  • Factual confirmations with the management of the company to avoid unpleasant surprises
  • Buyers get an independent and impartial due diligence review
  • Support for data room
  • Advising on initial deal structure and optimal transaction structure

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